The University of Winnipeg



Findings Released in Pre-Election Assessment of Ukraine

Dr. Lloyd Axworthy co-led delegation in the mission from the National Democratic Institute

UW RELEASE – 2014/058

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Friday, April 11, 2014

WINNIPEG, MB – In the lead up to what it describes as “the most important elections in Ukraine since independence”, the National Democratic Institute delegation has released its statement, following a week of meetings in Ukraine and a detailed assessment of factors that could impact the electoral process. UWinnipeg President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Lloyd Aworthy co-led the delegation, which stated “The country’s democracy, integrity and sovereignty are at stake.”

The Washington based National Democratic Institute organized the mission to demonstrate the interest of the international community in the development of the country’s democratic political process and offer an impartial assessment of the political environment. In its statement, the delegation said “The legal framework, administrative capacity and political will currently in place appear conducive to a democratic process. Yet more will be required for the elections to meet Ukraine’s needs.”

“Having had the opportunity to speak face to face with academics, journalists, politicians and public servants in Ukraine, it is clear that the democratic process is under threat,” said Lloyd Axworthy, “Now it is time for western democracies to step up and demonstrate their support for the growing civil society movements in Ukraine who are fighting to maintain their democratic rights and the rule of law in their country.”

The delegation pointed to enfranchisement for Crimeans, electoral security, and constructive campaigning as areas of improvement prior to the election May 25, while offering medium- to long-term recommendations in the areas of women’s participation, and campaign and party financing. It also called on the international community to support “Ukraine’s democratic aspirations.”

UWinnipeg’s Vice-President of Finance and Administration Bill Balan, who is fluent in Ukrainian, also joined the delegation. In recent years Balan has played a key role in forging a close relationship between UWinnipeg and a number of educational institutions in Ukraine.

You can read the delegation’s full statement on the NDI website.

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Megan Benedictson, Communications Officer, The University of Winnipeg
P: 204.988.7129, E: