The University of Winnipeg



GO! UWinnipeg Launches Graduate Opportunities program

WINNIPEG, MB – Landing that first career-related job for new graduates is critically important in building a tangible employment skill set and workplace confidence. Now The University of Winnipeg is launching the Graduate Opportunities (GO) program, hiring additional employees who will offer workshops to new grads such as effective use of social media in job searches, host networking evenings for employers and UWinnipeg alumni so they can meet and mingle with new grads, and create an on-line career bank and employer profiles. The GO employees will themselves be new UWinnipeg graduates gaining valuable work experience.

President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Lloyd Axworthy made the announcement while addressing nearly 1,200 new graduates from six faculties and multiple graduate programs at UWinnipeg’s 2013 Spring Convocation this week, underscoring the value of university education in achieving long term career success, prosperity, and quality of life. He cited encouraging economic data that predicts bright futures for post-secondary graduates.

Reports by The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) project 2.1 million jobs will be created this decade for university graduates, and the federal government estimates that 75% of new jobs will require post-secondary education. Axworthy also reiterated the AUCC finding that bachelor’s degree holders earn, on average, $1.3 million more during their careers than high school graduates and $1 million more than college graduates.

Axworthy noted that Canadian university graduates aged 25-29 have a lower unemployment rate (5.8%) than the general average rate among this age group (7.4%). He also referenced a recent New York Times article that argued a city’s prosperity relies on the proportion of its population that has a post-secondary degree.

“We know our graduates are valuable assets. Employers in Manitoba, Canada, and globally are searching for talented individuals who have a demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly and solve complex problems. These are the transferable skills and core strengths in obtaining a multidisciplinary undergraduate or graduate degree at UWinnipeg,” said Axworthy.

To support new graduates in finding their first career-related job, UWinnipeg is strengthening its Career Resource Centre by creating the GO program which will include:

  • Peer and alumni mentorship programs
  • workshops on topics such as effective use of social media in job searches, resume writing, and interview skills
  • networking evenings that will connect local employers as well as UWinnipeg alumni with new grads
  • an online career bank and employer profiles
    an enhanced website with extensive resources

The GO program will be based at the 4th floor Centennial Hall Buffeteria. All services are free to UWinnipeg students and graduates. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Diane Poulin, Communications Officer, The University of Winnipeg
P: 204.988.7135, E: