The University of Winnipeg



Bob Silver Reappointed As Chancellor

Photo: Bob Silver, Chancellor, The University of Winnipeg

WINNIPEG, MB – The University of Winnipeg’s Board of Regents and Senate have jointly reappointed well-known Winnipeg business and community leader Robert (Bob) Silver to serve a second term as the University’s Chancellor, effective July 1, 2012. Silver, President of Western Glove Works, co-owner of the Warehouse One retail chain, and co-owner of the Winnipeg Free Press and Brandon Sun, was first selected to serve as UWinnipeg’s 7th Chancellor in June 2009.

“Bob Silver has been a tireless advocate for UWinnipeg and has brought real commitment and enthusiasm to his role as Chancellor,” said Craig Lee, Chair of the Board of Regents. “He has been a strong contributor to the governance of the University, providing wise council to me and as a Director of the University of Winnipeg Foundation.”

“The University of Winnipeg plays an incredibly important role in providing post-secondary education to our children, to providing access to those in need, to bridging the gap between communities, to practicing and teaching inclusiveness, and to further developing our downtown and our city,” said Silver. “I am honored to continue in my role as Chancellor and to contribute to the university’s future.”

The position of Chancellor is a volunteer, renewable three-year term. Primary responsibilities include participating in Convocations and conferring degrees, participating in meetings of the Board of Regents, Senate, and committees, as well as assisting with government relations and promotion of the University.

Bob Silver – Biography

Bob Silver obtained a Bachelor of Science degree with honours from the University of Manitoba in 1970, majoring in Mathematics and Statistics. Bob has been involved in business since 1970. Since 1980 he has been the President of Western Glove Works, a Winnipeg-based company involved in the manufacturing and merchandising of casual apparel. He is also co-owner and director of Western Glove Works and Warehouse One retail clothing chain. He is the President and beneficial owner of RIS Media Ltd, a General Partner of FP Canadian Newspapers Limited Partnership. He is also a founder of Canterbury Park. Some of Bob’s volunteer positions have included: Co-Chair, Premier’s Economic Advisory Council Chair, Smart Park at the University of Manitoba Member, Business Council of Manitoba Board Member, Canadian Apparel Federation Board Member, Destination Winnipeg.

Diane Poulin, Communications Officer, The University of Winnipeg
P: 204.988.7135, E: