The University of Winnipeg



UWinnipeg Fights For Competitive Athletics

volleyball gameWINNIPEG, MB – The University of Winnipeg rejects a move spearheaded by the University of British Columbia to create a two-tiered system that would see athletes divided – with large schools competing exclusively against each other and smaller schools relegated to a second tier within Canadian Interuniversity Sport (Canada West Conference).

“UWinnipeg athletes have been competing assertively and openly within Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) for decades, with our Wesmen volleyball team winning 10 national championships,” said Dr. Lloyd Axworthy, President and Vice-Chancellor, UWinnipeg. “Our athletes are among the best in the country in terms of quality of play and deserve the same opportunities and challenges as other athletes across the university system.”

Axworthy today sent a letter to the Chairman of the Council of Western Canadian University Presidents urging that UBC’s idea, championed by UBC President Stephen Toope, be withdrawn.

“Athletic activities enhance the mission of our universities and each of our institutions, in their own way, has a valuable contribution to make to CIS”, said Axworthy. “We propose that a proper and open process for discussion be put in place so that together we can structure interuniversity sport in Western Canada appropriately.”

Read Dr. Axworthy’s complete letter. (PDF)

Diane Poulin, Communications Officer, The University of Winnipeg
P: 204.988.7135, E: