The University of Winnipeg



Students From Haiti Arrive

UWinnipeg's newest students from Haiti: Jean Widny Pervil, Vanessa Laurent, Samy Archille,Héléna Vickaina Lafleur and Jaquet Duval. October 8,2010/photo by Kelly Morton

UWinnipeg’s newest students from Haiti: Jean Widny Pervil, Vanessa Laurent, Samy Archille,Héléna Vickaina Lafleur and Jaquet Duval. October 8,2010/photo by Kelly Morton

Five students who arrived in late September from Haiti to attend classes at The University of Winnipeg are adjusting well to life in their new home.

A devastating earthquake rocked Haiti one year ago, January 12, 2010, destroying the country’s educational infrastructure.

Vanessa K. Laurent and Helena Vickaina Lafleur are both 4th yr students in International Relations, Quisqueya University. They were injured but pulled to safety by rescue workers.

The other three students from the State University of Haiti are: Jaquet Duval, Jean Widny Pervil, and Samy Archille. They are in the Department of Linguistics. Most of their campus was flattened including the Department of Linguistics.They were buried in rubble and many of their classmates and professors did not survive.

UWinnipeg is covering significant costs to allow the five students, all in their twenties, to continue their studies including airfare, tuition, residence fees, meal plans and counselling.

UWinnipeg is spearheading a public appeal to raise $50,000 to cover additional costs such as clothing, books and school supplies, medical supports, monthly allowances and return airfares to Haiti. The University is committed to supporting these five students for a minimum two year period. Any monies raised beyond the $50,000 will go to support the students in year two of their studies at UWinnipeg.

Donations can be made to the Haitian Student Bursary Support anytime by contacting the University of Winnipeg Foundation at 204-786-9995, or toll free 1-866-394-6050, or donate on-line at

Widney Pervil spoke on behalf of the group:

“Life is a battle in which everybody has to take part; sometime we can be confident, strong and ready for glory and victory without thoughts of defeat. Suddenly, something unimaginable, and a murdering event happens, destroying our dreams and hopes. And the questions like what to do next and who is there for us rise, invoking a very desperate situation. That’s what the earthquake on January 12, 2010 did to us. But Thanks to God, The University of Winnipeg is there to help us get back on track. We have been welcomed like queens and kings. Our motivations are to continue the battle because we see the future with a different view now. We believe in a better tomorrow. Suddenly, we start to understand the tremendous wisdom behind the great statement by UW Vice-President Dr. John Corlett. The four questions he raised were `Who am I, Where have I come from, What am I doing, and Why am I here?’

We just want to say with all our strength and all our heart, a thousand million of thanks to The University of Winnipeg. For our country, for our family, for you!!!” – September 29, 2010