The University of Winnipeg



Butt Out

New Non-Smoking Policy at UWinnipeg

As of Monday, April 2, 2007, The University of Winnipeg will roll out its new non-smoking policy. As of that day, as before, no smoking will be permitted in any building owned, leased and occupied by UWinnipeg; but additionally smoking will not be permitted on any University property. This policy was unanimously recommended by the Workplace Safety and Health Committee which has representation from faculty, staff, students and management and unanimously approved by the senior executive.

The new smoke-free environment is in keeping with the University’s objective of providing a healthier environment for smokers and non-smokers alike. The responsibility for adhering to this policy is vested with every student, faculty member and staff member, and it is expected that all persons will show courtesy and consideration for others.

The only exception to this is in respect to Aboriginal smudging events that will be allowed inside the Aboriginal Student Services Centre.

Help with Stopping Smoking
The University will be providing information on, and access to, smoking cessation programs, and all new students and new employees will be advised of the policy.

As this change unfolds, the University asks that the spirit of co-operation and mutual respect be demonstrated by faculty, staff and students’ actions. The policy and its implementation will be reviewed in six months, and if additional changes are required, they will be assessed at that time.

Smoking will continue to be allowed on City property, and signs will be posted at the end of March indicating where those areas are.