The University of Winnipeg



2018 Arts awards in teaching and research announced

Dr. Sharanpal Ruprai, Dr. Derek Spencer, Kevin Smith, ©UWinnipeg

Dr. Sharanpal Ruprai, Dr. Derek Spencer, Dr. Steven Smith, ©UWinnipeg

The Faculty of Arts is pleased to announce this year’s winners of the annual  Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Awards and Faculty Excellence in Research Awards.

In each category, there are two winners selected: one in the category of probationary or term faculty, and another in the category of  tenured or continuing appointments.

Teaching Excellence 2018
Dr. Sharanpal Ruprai , Women and Gender Studies
Dr. Steve Smith,  Psychology 

Research Excellence 2018 
Dr. Kimberley Ducey, Sociology
Derek Spencer, Criminal  Justice

The Faculty of Arts puts out a call for nominations and then convenes two award selection committees made up of volunteer faculty members. Winners received a certificate and honorarium at a celebratory Arts Council Meeting, and each winner stepped forward to share either teaching position statements or research excerpts, dependent on category.

The Dean of Arts would  like to thank those who served on the award committees and those who  did the work of nominating  the worthy applicants.