Statement from Dr. Annette Trimbee in support of Indigenous community
The University of Winnipeg is committed to creating safer spaces for students and community members, particularly Indigenous peoples. Like many across the country, we in...
Stories celebrating UWinnipeg's Indigenous community.
The University of Winnipeg is committed to creating safer spaces for students and community members, particularly Indigenous peoples. Like many across the country, we in...
The Department of Urban and Inner-City Studies invites all to a free public screening of A Good Place to Live, followed by a Q and...
A new course is underway at The University of Winnipeg that examines economic development issues facing Indigenous communities in Canada, including such topical issues as natural resource development.
The University of Winnipeg and the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding that brings an additional $600,000 to campus to support...
The Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers (Cando), has approved MDP graduates to also obtain Technician Aboriginal Economic Developer certification. This gives UWinnipeg graduates a competitive advantage if they want to work with Indigenous communities in Canada.
Speakers from all over the world are coming to Winnipeg to discuss Indigenous art, media, scholarship, and cultural innovation from around the globe from November 28 - December 2, 2017 at the Winnipeg Art Gallery.
On Wednesday, November 22 and Thursday, November 23, two UWinnipeg researchers are presenting at the 5th annual Indigenous Health Symposium, Looking Forward, Pushing Back: Research,...
WINNIPEG, MB –The University of Winnipeg and the Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) have a strong history of collaboration, and today that was strengthened with the...
There is an INSURGENCE/RESURGENCE, groundbreaking exhibition focused on leading and emerging Indigenous artists from across Canada at the Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG) co-curated by UWinnipeg's Dr. Julie Nagam. This exhibition opens on September 22, 2017 and runs until April 2018.
UWinnipeg's Department of History presents a lecture by Dr. Maureen K. Lux entitled Race, Medicine and the State: Indian Hospitals in Canada on Saturday, September 23 at 12:30. Admission if free and it is open to the public.