“Indspired” on campus
More than 145 First Nation, Metis and Inuit high school students spent the day on The University of Winnipeg campus Thursday, March 20, 2014 learning...
Stories celebrating UWinnipeg's Indigenous community.
More than 145 First Nation, Metis and Inuit high school students spent the day on The University of Winnipeg campus Thursday, March 20, 2014 learning...
University of Winnipeg Indigenous Studies major Carl Balan is one of three post-secondary students across Canada selected to have their personal stories of achievement shared...
UWinnipeg’s Associate Professor Dr. Brian Rice* educates future teachers about Aboriginal issues in the Department of Education. “More and more, teachers are required to teach...
UW RELEASE – 2014/034 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Wednesday March 12, 2014 WINNIPEG, MB – Diandre Thomas-Hart’s Kanata of Youth web portal has been chosen...
The symposium will give participants an opportunity to engage in the difficult dialogue and learn about the far reaching intergenerational issues that stem from the legacy of residential schools.
The University of Winnipeg presents the Bonnycastle Lecture entitled The Manitoba Metis Land-Claims Decision and the Story of Winnipeg’s Early Years given by Justice Thomas...
WINNIPEG, MB – His pitch rose to the top among his classmates at The University of Winnipeg’s Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre, and now 21 year...
The public and media are invited to attend a free public lecture entitled A Brief History of the Supreme Court Decision on the Métis Land...
WINNIPEG, MB – Media and the public are invited to attend a free lecture at The University of Winnipeg by Dr. Phil Fontaine, former National...
WINNIPEG, MB – Two descendants of residential schools survivors have been awarded The University of Winnipeg’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Scholarship. Amber Chartrand...