2017 Long Service
The University of Winnipeg celebrates its long serving staff and faculty with a champagne reception on Thursday, May 4, 2017 in Convocation Hall. The list includes members that have served 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, and 40 years.
If you add up the years of service from this year’s honourees we would have more than two millennia of dedicated service.
In addition, each year UWinnipeg takes pause to honour those employees celebrating 25 years with the University and are welcomed into The University of Winnipeg 25 Year Club, a noted honour. The 25 year club belongs to Ian Burley, Dr. Persis Clarkson, Paul Ficek, Dr. Scott Forbes, Kimberly Gulas, Kim Loeb, John Mainer, Dr. Mavis Reimer, and David Torz.
10 Years of service includes – Joffrey Abainza, Dr. Christopher Bidinosti, Dr. Jacqueline Binyamin, Helen Cholakis, Dr. Brandon Christopher, Dr. Linda DeRiviere, Catherine Domke, Michael Emslie, Nashit Farooqui, Dr. Melody Ghahramani, Kelly Gorkoff, Dr. Melanie Gregg, Tania Guevara Sandoval, Raelene Hall, Dr. Judith Harris, Niromi Hewawellalage, Kimberly Hickson, Jennifer Horvath, Anna Hussey, Naniece Ibrahim, Patricia Klassen, Cathrine Klassen, Maurice Labelle, Rheal Marion, Carla Myketa, Carlene Osborne, Steven Pataki, Nancy Pauls, Gabrielle Prefontaine, Dr. Mirjana Roksandic, Dr. Ivan Roksandic, Dr. Beth Savickey, Jodi Schmidt, Nancy Stokes, Louis Svenningsen, Anthony Tordiffe, Lisa Tucker, Ashlie Wilson, and Sylvia Wittmaier.
15 Years of service includes – Jeffrey Booth, Dr. William Buhay, Ronald Clasen, Timothy Cowan, Dr. Alan Diduck, Dr. Alexander Freund, Dr. Fiona Green, Dr. Donna Haydey, Donna Marchak, Vesna Milosevic-Zdjelar, Rebecca Stephenson, Dr. David Telles-Langdon, Jorunn Thordarson, Dr. James Townsend, Dr. Paul Trapnell, and Dr. Doris Wolf.
20 Years of service includes – Dr. Darlene Abreu-Ferreira, Peter Andrusiak, Peter Balagus, Christy Campbell, Dr. Douglas Craig, Barbara Doran, Dr. Doug Goltz, Cathleen Hjalmarson, Dr. Paul Holloway, Girma Jemberu, Sharon Leonard, Jane Lothian Murray, Sandra Tolman, and Dr. Michael Weinrath.
30 Years of service includes – Dr. Neil Besner, Dr. Danny Blair, Lois Cherney, Patricia Hawkins, Dr. Randy Kroeker, Debbie Machula, Suzanne Martin, Christine Payne, Dr. Liliane Rodriguez, Susan Ronquillo, Beatrice Spearing, and Marion Tetrault.
35 Years of service includes – Per Brask, Edward Segstro, Dr. James Silver, Dr. Kent Simmons, and Rick Skene.
40 Years of service includes – Weldon Hiebert and Lynn Jones.