The University of Winnipeg congratulates all of the winners and nominees of the 2005 YMCA-YWCA Women of Distinction Awards. Each woman is distinguished in her field and by the meaningful contributions she has made to her community.
University of Winnipeg student Buchi Nnadi was awarded the prestigious Young Woman of Distinction Award at the 29th Annual YWCA-YMCA Women of Distinction Awards presented May 4, 2005.
Nnadi is active in the DiNamba Intercultural Association of Manitoba, DiNamba Youth Association, the Congress of Black Women, Manitoba Chapter, Black History Month Committee, and many other non-profit organizations such as the Children’s Festival, Disabled People International, and the Terry Fox Run. In 2005, Nnadi planned the program for the Manitoba Multiculturalism Secretariat Forum on Multiculturalism and Chaired the Cross-cultural Forum on Multiculturalism in Canada.
As well, Lindor Reynolds (BA ’79) won the Media & Public Relations Woman of Distinction Award. Reynolds, a Free Press columnist for the past 12 years, has earned many awards inlcuding: The University of Winnipeg Distinguished Alumni Award (1999), Michener Award for Meritorious Public Service in Journalism (2001, 2002), and National Society of Newspaper Columnist (first place). She has raised more than $500,000 through the annual Pennies from Heaven campaign.
The University of Winnipeg is very proud of its faculty, alumni, and supporters who were recognized for their commitment and dedication in their respective fields and nominated for 2005 Women of Distinction Awards: Kristine Koster (BA ’04); Estelle Lamoureux (BA ’85, B.Ed. ’87); Debra Mayer, B.Ed. Instructor; Lesley Sisler (BA (Hons.) ’76), Collegiate Instructor; and, Carole Wylie, Chair of the Board of Regents.