WINNIPEG, MB – Hundreds of local and national students will converge on The University of Winnipeg campus for the first Canadian national United Nations Education Science Cultural Organization Associated Schools Projects network (UNESCO ASPnet) Conference from April 16-18, 2008. Keynote speaker President & Vice-Chancellor Dr. Lloyd Axworthy will speak on Thursday, April 17, 2008 at 9:00 am in Manitoba Hall, Theatre A (Room 4M31). UWinnipeg’s Global College is a sponsor of the conference.
“This conference is significant to both students and teachers,” said Axworthy. “Students and educators will explore themes that include human rights, intercultural learning, environmental concerns and the role of the United Nations. This allows students to participate in change, and to be part of something that is much greater than themselves.”
Needs Over Wants is the theme of the conference, with participants ranging from Grade 5 to Grade 12. Students are attending from schools across the province and the country.
UNESCO ASPnet was established by the United Nations in 1953 and includes almost 7,800 member schools and institutions in 175 countries. ASPnet schools are located in all regions of the world – Africa, Asia, the Pacific, the Arab States, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean and the U.S. – in differing cultural, economic and social systems, at various stages of development, and in rural and urban areas.
The ASPnet provides a forum for the promotion of UNESCO ideals as well as global citizenship, social justice, student leadership and provincial, national, and international networks.