MDP poster
The Masters in Development Practice: Indigenous Development (MDP) students have returned from the field to tell their stories at the program’s Annual Symposium. The Symposium is on Friday, September 8 from 1:30 – 3:30 pm in Room 2M70 (Manitoba Hall, University of Winnipeg). Eleven students will each be sharing their practicum experiences, which is an essential part to the MDP program, where they learn to do development differently. The students traveled to as far as New Zealand and as close to neighbourhoods in our province.
“This symposium is a highlight not only for our MDP students, but also for the larger communities including our partners, because it provides an opportunity to showcase the outcomes of relationships,” said Dr. Jaime Cidro, Acting Director, MDP. “For the MDP program, relationships with organizations and communities is the foundation of development.”
This symposium is free and open to anyone who wants to attend. If you would like to attend please register with Tamara Dionne Stout at ta.stout@uwinnipeg.ca before Friday, September 1.
For a “sneak peak” you can check out the students blogs at http://mdpuw.blogspot.ca/
This year’s hosts include:
Atoskiwin Training and Employment Centre (ATEC), Nisichawayasihk (Nelson House), MB
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Canadian Red Cross (CRC)
The Winnipeg Boldness Project
Partners for Engagement and Knowledge Exchange (PEKE)
Social Innovation Division, Employment and Social Development Canada
Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace (AbTec)
Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIWFC), USA
Te Whanau O Waipareira, New Zealand
University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA
Farmers’ Group Network in Manyara Region (MVIWATA), Tanzania
The Master’s in Development Practice program (MDP) is an innovative professional degree offered by a network of over thirty leading universities on six continents. At the University of Winnipeg, the MDP uniquely focuses on Indigenous development — the only program in the world to focus on how Indigenous knowledge and experience can help shape a sustainable path for development, rooted in culture and identity.