The University of Winnipeg



New Dean for Business and Economics

Photo: Dr. Sylvie Albert

Photo: Dr. Sylvie Albert

WINNIPEG, MB – Dr. Lloyd Axworthy, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Winnipeg and Dr. John Corlett, Vice-President Academic and Provost are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Sylvie Albert to the position of Dean of the Faculty Business and Economics for a five year term, effective August 15, 2012.

Dr. Albert, who is fully bilingual, joins UWinnipeg from Laurentian University where she has been Associate Dean of the Faculty of Management, and an Associate Professor of Strategy in the MBA program. She has taught since 2004 at both the undergraduate and graduate level in the areas of Strategy/Policy, Organizational Behavior, and Management. Dr. Albert’s research focus has been on intelligent cities where she has played an international role as an author and lead jurist for the Intelligent Community Forum, a New York-based think tank.

She is originally from New Brunswick and has travelled extensively including living in Africa for a five year period. Dr. Albert looks forward to making Winnipeg home and welcomes her new challenge as Dean.

“Winnipeg is known for its art and culture and community spirit”, she said. ”And the Faculty’s multidisciplinary nature is very appealing. I have a strong background in on-line education and hope to develop flexible, lifelong learning opportunities for students.”

UWinnipeg’s Faculty of Business and Economics, formed in 2008, is unique in that it breaks down barriers between traditional management disciplines and exposes students to a wider range of study than at most business schools, while offering small class sizes and meaningful contact with professors.

“Business and economics is one of the fastest growing areas of study on campus, and Dr. Albert’s broad experience in both the private and public sectors adds depth to our

Faculty,” said Axworthy. “With our new Buhler Centre equipped with CISCO technology, and development of new co-op programs, we are giving our business and economics students the tools they need to become successful entrepreneurs and corporate and community leaders.”

Dr. Albert has also worked with several local and regional cultural communities including French and Indigenous peoples in the development of projects. Find out more about UWinnipeg’s Faculty of Business and Economics.

Diane Poulin, Communications Officer, The University of Winnipeg
P: 204.988.7135, E: