Noted British historian and academic, Diarmaid MacCulloch is speaking at a free public lecture at The University of Winnipeg on Monday, September 30, 9:30 -10:30 am, in Room 2M70. His lecture is entitled The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, and will be followed by a reception.
MacCulloch is professor of the history of the church at the University of Oxford, England, and is a fellow of St. Cross College.
“It is a great honour to host Dr. Diarmaid MacCulloch, as a joint venture with Saint John’s College,” said Dr. Jane Barter, professor, religion and culture. “I have relied on his analysis of the vexed history of Christianity and its legacy for many years in my teaching. Dr. MacCulloch is an internationally recognized scholar who is able to communicate the details of history to a broad audience. He is also a vocal critic at times of the church, particularly in its recalcitrance on such issues as women’s ordination and same sex marriage. His lectures are certain to expand our knowledge and challenge our perceptions of Christianity.”
MacCulloch’s interests include the European Reformation (1490-1700), and Christian history in general. With an expertise in the history of the sixteenth-century Reformation, especially in England; Tudor politics and society; general history of Christianity, especially with regard to gender issues; and church architecture, liturgy, and music.
MacCulloch is also giving a free public lecture in the Robert Schultz Theatre at St. John’s College at the University of Manitoba on Tuesday, October 1, at 7:00 p.m.
Both events are jointly sponsored by The University of Winnipeg and the University of Manitoba.