Screening Justice: Canadian Crime Films, Culture and Society (Fernwood Publishing).

Screening Justice book cover
What do Canadian films say about crime and justice in Canada? What purpose to Canadian crime films serve politically and culturally?
Screening Justice is a scholarly exploration of films that focus on crime and justice in Canada that was released earlier this month. Crime films are pivotal for understanding and shaping Canadian sensibilities by setting out widely available templates for thinking about crime and justice in Canadian society.
Spanning disciplines and examining films from across Canada, Screening Justice is the first comprehensive Canadian volume on crime films that takes up cultural criminology’s call for more critical scholarly analyses of the interplay between crime, culture and society.
About the authors:
Pauline Greenhill is a professor at The University of Winnipeg.
Steven Kohm is a professor at The University of Winnipeg.
Sonia Bookman is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Manitoba.