Physics was featured in the Winnipeg Free Press this past weekend highlighting professor Dr. Christopher Bidinosti, undergraduate Allison Kolly + UWinnipeg alum Mark Abotossaway, a Boeing Structural Analysis engineer.
Physics was featured in the Winnipeg Free Press this past weekend highlighting professor Dr. Christopher Bidinosti, undergraduate Allison Kolly + UWinnipeg alum Mark Abotossaway, a Boeing Structural Analysis engineer.
The Department of Geography presents a lecture given by UWinnipeg President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Annette Trimbee entitled The art of predicting blue-green algal blooms; A nostalgic look back on Wednesday, March 18, 12:30 - 1:30 pm in 5L24.
University of Winnipeg student Heather Whittaker has been chosen as one of two $5, 000 winners of the Sunnybrook Prize, after presenting her work to...
WINNIPEG, MB –Emerson’s eighteen year-old Tanner Giesbrecht managed to maintain a 96% average while attending the Roseau Valley School in Dominion City. That hard work...
The Canadian Council of University Biology Chairs recognize the work of UWinnipeg's Dr. Edward Byard, former Chair of biology.
Dr. Michael Paterson and Dr. Scott Higgins join UWinnipeg as Adjunct Professors
On June 25 & 26, 2014, a joint workshop and symposium on community forestry will bring together researchers, Aboriginal representatives, government officials, industry people, and...
Renowned South African physicist Neil Turok, Director of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, will deliver his lecture Higgs Bang as part of the Canadian...
UWinnipeg’s Science Rendezvous – watch magic happen The University of Winnipeg’s Faculty of Science invites everyone to a free Open House at the state-of-the-art Richardson...
President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Lloyd Axworthy is pleased to announce the latest round of UWinnipeg’s Future Fund grants to support academic programming, faculty research and...