WINNIPEG, MB – The University of Winnipeg is pleased to announce two Knowledge Synthesis Grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council’s (SSHRC). The total value granted to UWinnipeg is $48,873 for research projects that focus on the experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.

Dr. Simon Berge, © UWinnipeg
Dr. Simon Berge (business administration) received $24,145 for Pedagogical pathways for Indigenous business education: learning from current Aboriginal business practices and Dr. Melanie O’Gorman (economics) received $24,728 for research entitled Forum on research in Inuit education: a gathering to harness knowledge of Inuit education leaders – Co-Applicants are Ian Mauro (UWinnipeg, geography), Kathy Snow (Cape Breton University), Peter Geikie (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami), and Shelley Tulloch (The University of Prince Edward Island).
“University of Winnipeg faculty members continue to both lead and collaborate on important and timely research initiatives,” said Dr. Jino Distasio, Vice President, Research and Innovation, “The announcement of these two grants will see UWinnipeg faculty network with Canadian researchers, community members and policy makers on important national issues.”
The Government of Canada is committed to renewing the nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous peoples based on recognition of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership. An important step towards this goal is supporting dialogue between researchers and members of Canada’s Indigenous communities.

Dr. Melanie O’Gorman, © UWinnipeg
SSHRC launched this funding opportunity to support the continued engagement in research by and with Indigenous peoples, as well as to foster truth and reconciliation efforts through collective action. Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada is co-funding several of the projects.
Valued at up to $25,000 each, the Knowledge Synthesis Grants are designed to combine existing research on key challenges facing Canada, while identifying knowledge gaps where future research is needed. These grants place a strong emphasis on ensuring that the outcome of these projects is accessible to a broad audience, including decision-makers across community, public and private sectors.
“These Knowledge Synthesis Grants will enhance our ability to understand and respond to complex social, cultural and economic issues and experiences facing First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada,” said Ted Hewitt, President, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. “This research will generate the insights and skills that Canada needs to understand our past, and to move forward to a better future for all.”
By supporting Indigenous focused research grants, the government is advancing its commitment to make Canada a better place for First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, and for all Canadians. Having a better understanding of the experiences and aspirations of Indigenous peoples is essential to building a successful shared future in Canada.
The University of Winnipeg gratefully acknowledges the funding we receive from the Government of Canada Research Support Fund in aid of our research infrastructure. Every year, the federal government invests in research excellence in the areas of health sciences, engineering, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities through its three granting agencies. The Research Support Fund reinforces this research investment by helping institutions ensure that their federally funded research projects are conducted in world-class facilities with the best equipment and administrative support available. Please visit our RSF webpage at