The University of Winnipeg



UWinnipeg Honours World Refugee Day

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Abdisayid Hassan Mohamed is stanind and wearing a blue lanyard.

Abdisayid Hassan Mohamed

The University of Winnipeg honours World Refugee Day, June 20, an international day designated by the United Nations in recognition of refugees around the globe and their resilience in rebuilding their lives in new countries.

Thanks to the collaboration between the Immigrant and Refugee Student Services (IRSS) and World University Service of Canada (WUSC), UWinnipeg helps refugee students obtain their degrees.

Refugees and immigrants contribute to Canada’s population growth and the economy by bringing skills and talents that benefit Canada while adding diversity to the fabric of Canadian society.

Take time to adapt, interact, ask questions, and stay motivated by remembering where you came from.

Abdisayid Hassan Mohamed

“The WUSC-University of Winnipeg has sponsored over 65 refugee students since the 1980s who come from all over the world,” said David Mabior Atem, Coordinator, Immigrant & Refugee Student Services. Atem, a former South Sudanese child soldier and war refugee himself, arrived at UWinnipeg in 2003.

This past year, Abdisayid Hassan Mohamed, a Somali refugee, arrived at UWinnipeg via the Dadaab Refugee Camps in Kenya.

Since his childhood, Mohamed has loved computers. With this in mind, he worked hard to earn a WUSC scholarship, which enabled him to come to Canada and study what he loves: applied computer science.  

He appreciates the support he receives from the WUSC volunteers, and he is enjoying his UWinnipeg experience that he describes as “stress-free and fun.”

After graduation, he wants to give back to WUSC and plans to find ways to help refugees worldwide.

Although Mohamed is a man of a few words he offers some simple advice for new students: “Take time to adapt, interact, ask questions, and stay motivated by remembering where you came from,” shared Mohamed.

Since the 1980s, UWinnipeg has taken part in the WUSC Student Refugee Program (SRP), which brings students to campus every year. In 2022, the University administration increased the number of sponsored refugee students from two to three annually, thanks to the recommendation of the IRSS department and the UW-WUSC Local Committee. 

 Student Counselling Services has added a counsellor to work specifically with international, immigrant, and refugee students. Contact them to learn more.

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