Throughout the month of June, The University of Winnipeg is hosting a range of events related to Indigenous history, culture, art.
June 2022
New language banners installed to celebrate Indigenous language
As you ride the escalators in Centennial, you will notice new Indigenous language banners welcoming you to campus. These banners, decorated with artwork by Oji-Cree artist Jordan Stranger, represent the importance of language revitalization and inclusion. An accompanying artwork is being installed in Centennial building ahead of Indigenous Peoples Day as UWinnipeg’s way of saying “tawâw, iyuskin, iindigen, wotziye, tunngasugit, pee-piihtikweek, bonjour, waaciye, tánsi, kuwa, and welcome” to all visitors, students, faculty, and staff who connect, work, and study on campus.
Tuesday, June 7
Indigenous Graduation Celebration
The University of Winnipeg celebrated First Nation, Métis, and Inuit graduates during a special Indigenous Graduation Ceremony on June 7. In keeping with cultural celebration traditions, the event included traditional Indigenous drumming, Métis fiddling, the Wii Chiiwaakanak PowWow Club dancers, and ASSC Elder well-wishes. Gifts to honour the graduates included a variety of items that the team at UWinnipeg’s Aboriginal Student Services Centre prepared for each student. View the celebrations in Flickr.
Friday, June 17 and Saturday, June 18
Conference: The National Report on MMIWG: The University Responds
This conference, to be held at The University of Winnipeg, will be a gathering of scholars, activists, educators, community and family members of MMIWG2S, direct student service providers and students to think together about ways in which the Calls for Justice might be effectively addressed within the university context. Indigenous women’s and 2S voices will be centered in all levels of the discussion. Register now.
Friday, June 17, 2:30 -4:00 pm
Free keynote speaker event: Karine Duhamel
(Still) Reclaiming Power and Place: Reflections on the Three-Year Anniversary of the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Dr. Karine Duhamel is Anishinaabe-Métis and holds a Bachelor of Arts from Mount Allison University, a Bachelor of Education from Lakehead University and a Master’s Degree and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Manitoba. Dr. Duhamel was formerly Adjunct Professor at The University of Winnipeg where she developed and taught courses on the history and legacy of residential schools. She also served as Director of Research for Yerch Law Corporation, conducting research related to claims under the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. From 2018 to 2019, Dr. Duhamel was Director of Research for the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, drafting the Final Report, as well as managing the Forensic Document Review Project and the Legacy Archive. She is now a public servant working to implement the National Inquiry’s Calls for Justice across all levels of government. The event is free and open to the public but pre-registration is required.
Friday, June 17, 7:00-8:30 pm
Free keynote speaker event: Sheila North
My Privilege, My Responsibility. Stories of Virtue and the Ability to Survive and Excel in Spite of Being Impacted by Violence and Issues of MMIW, MMIWG2S+
Sheila North is host of CBC News Late Night. She is also former Grand Chief of Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, which represents thirty northern First Nations in Manitoba. She is the first woman ever to hold this position. She is also former Chief Communications Officer for the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs. North ran for the position of National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations in 2018. North is a former CTV journalist and was nominated for a Gemini Award as a CBC journalist. Her journalism has long covered MMIWG, and in 2019, she released a documentary on the issue, titled “1200+.” For this documentary, she worked closely with family members, who shared their stories of loved ones’ disappearances. The event is free and open to the public but pre-registration is required.
Saturday, June 18, 9:30-11:00 am
Free keynote speaker event: Sandra Delaronde
Moving Forward in a Good Way: What Does the Finding of Genocide Mean? The Implications to Canada from a Social Justice Perspective
Sandra DeLaronde is a member of Cross Lake First Nation whose roots are in the Métis settlement of Duck Bay. Throughout her distinguished career, she has made it her life work to bring attention to the situation of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirited Persons (MMIWG2S). She served as co-chair of Manitoba’s MMIWG2S Coalition. DeLaronde helped develop and oversee the Helen Betty Osborne Memorial Scholarship, established in 2000, to honour the young woman who was murdered in The Pas in 1976. DeLaronde is generous in sharing her knowledge and culture with others. As head woman for the Oyate Wiwanyang Wacipi (Sundance) and the Heart of the White Buffalo Moondance, she plays a vital role in strengthening Indigenous ceremony, practice, and tradition. The event is free and open to the public but pre-registration is required.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
UWinnipeg launches the Manitoba Indigenous TB History website
The result of years of research and collaboration, the website will provide Indigenous communities and the public with access to educational and historical resources about Indigenous patients at the TB hospitals. The site, which launches on Indigenous Peoples Day can be found at It will include:
- TB history. This includes an overview of Indigenous TB history in Manitoba and individual histories of the TB sanatoriums and Indian hospitals that treated Indigenous TB patients between about the 1930s and the 1970s
- Archival Photo Database. We have expanded our photo collection beyond the digital copies of photos donated to the MITHP in 2019 by the Manitoba Lung Association to include images from archives across Canada and private photo donations to the MITHP. The photos are accessible on the website through a searchable photo database.
- TB Archive. This on-going project involves digitizing of publications of the Sanatorium Board of Manitoba, with permission from the Manitoba Lung Association, including annual reports, the Bulletin newsletter, and the Messenger of Health.
- Publications and Resources. The website provides access to publications, video lectures, interviews, and podcasts by our MITHP team, as well as a curated bibliography of books, articles, documentaries, public talks, and podcasts about Indigenous TB history in Canada.
- The MITHP Blog. We will continue to post short articles about our research and updates about upcoming MITHP events.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Community event: First Annual STEM Day hosted by Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre
Adding to the STEM outreach hosted by Wii Chiiwaakanak Learning Centre, the first annual STEM day will bring the entire grades 1-8 classes from Niji Makhwa School for a range of activities such as: Anishinaabe astronomy in a pop-up planetarium; a STEAM room with multiple activities hosted by volunteers, UM staff and UW faculty; a chemistry room with multiple stations hosted by volunteers, UM staff, and UW faculty; coding/robotics, dry ice experiments with Dr. Russ Mammei; digital media creation using procreate; a stethoscope activity with MLA Uzoma Asagwara; stop-go animation workshops; and others. For more information contact Julie Hiebert at
Sunday, June 19 to Wednesday, June 22
Conference: Inuit Studies Conference 2022: Auviqsaqtut

The 2022 Auviqsaqtut Inuit Studies Conference will be held at Qaumajuq, the Inuit Art Centre at the Winnipeg Art Gallery.
The University of Winnipeg is hosting this conference alongside Qaumajuq, the Inuit Art Centre at the Winnipeg Art Gallery. The conference includes two solo art exhibits hosted by Gallery 1C03, and the following activities that are open to the public:
- Art Vendor Alley: Head to Lockhart Hall at The University of Winnipeg from Monday June 20 to 21, 8:30 AM – 6:00 pm and on June 22: 8:30 am- 4:00 pm to see over 15 talented artists and creators will have stunning items for sale throughout the conference, including but not limited to sealskin earrings, moosehide mitts and slippers, beaded jewelry, paintings, and more. Learn more.
- Book Fair: Head to the junction of Centennial and Lockhart Hall at The University of Winnipeg, June 20-21: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm June 22: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm to find new and exciting publications from the following book fair vendors at the Inuit Studies Conference: KNOW History, University of Manitoba Press, Inhabit Media, Inhabit Education Books, Revue Études Inuit Studies, Nunavut Arctic College Media (NAC), and Goose Lane Editions.
Having the world’s largest collection of contemporary Inuit art right beside the University provides a unique opportunity for students, faculty, and community members to learn the history, languages, and art. Learn more.
Two solo art exhibits feature new and recent sculptural installations by Nunatsiavut artist Mark Igloliorte and a vinyl wall art installation by Inuk designer Mark Bennett. These Gallery 1C03 exhibits curated by Franchesca Hebert-Spence and presented in conjunction with the Inuit Studies Conference 2022: Auviqsaqtut. Learn more.
Mark Igloliorte’s exhibition katinngak features new and recent sculptural installations in conversation with video work from earlier in his career. With a heavy emphasis on process, repetition, and experimentation, Igloliorte weaves together concepts and themes that include observational engagement, skateboard culture and public space, and language. Mark Igloliorte is a Nunatsiavut artist, essayist and educator. His methodology also acts as a pedagogy when navigating colonial institutions, activating public space and his own journey learning Inuktitut. Toronto-based Inuk designer
Mark Bennett premieres his work in Winnipeg with I’m Tired, a vinyl wall art installation. Bennett reflects on burnout within the arts, explores the importance of digital communications as a tool for community building in the absence of in-person gatherings and underscores the vital need for critical discussions around identity, community responsibility and institutional pressures. GALLERY 1C03 PRESENTS TWO SOLO EXHIBITIONS:
Tuesday, June 21, 7:00 pm
Speaker Series event: UWinnipeg Postdoctoral Fellow Anne Lindsay taking part in North End Stories Speaker Series
UWinnipeg postdoctoral fellow Anne Lindsay, and Maureen Matthews, will talk about early history of the Luxton area on National Indigenous Peoples Day. Learn more and register to attend.