The University of Winnipeg



UWinnipeg theatre students perform original ensemble piece

Truth Reconfigured is a five-person ensemble performance that navigates the complex path of multiple truths, alt-facts, actual facts, and fake-news in what can be described as an increasingly post-fact society.

This original performance piece — directed by University of Winnipeg Professor Claire Borody and conceived and developed by members of the fourth-year honours Devised Theatre class — examines and questions the ways in which human beings experience and process information in a world of information overload through the lens of satire, parody, and theatre of the absurd.

The speed of information transmission has increased rapidly in the age of technology and within the confined world of the pandemic, social media became a principal source of social interaction. The internet is a prime incubator for half-truths, where speculation and opinion rapidly take on the mantle of a truth and then insidiously morph into a semblance of fact.

Repeating and transmitting that information gives it a sense of credibility. Is acceptance ‘the new normal’ or as citizens of the world, are we responsible for witnessing and naming a lie for what it is? To initiate change, one needs to know the facts.

“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell

This performance collage emerges from a base of formal research on the themes of climate change, racism, and conspiracy theory drawn from journalism, popular culture, literature, film, and music, as well as visual and plastic arts. Physical images, vocal soundscapes, live music, video images, and text are woven together to form the fabric of the collage.

Performances start at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, March 23 through to Saturday, March 26. All performances are live streamed.

Please visit The University of Winnipeg’s Department of Theatre and Film website at: or call our 24-hour Reservation and Information Line at 204.786.9152 to make a reservation.

Based in the Asper Centre for Theatre and Film at The University of Winnipeg, the Department of Theatre and Film offers concentrations in acting, design, drama in education, filmmaking, playwriting, and production/stage management. Our classes are small and our approach is practical.  Our faculty is comprised of highly respected and award-winning professionals who are experienced teachers and remain active in their disciplines, bringing relevant and up-to-date instruction to our students.