UWinnipeg Golden Key Executive Committee (left to right): Executive VP Arthur Kanagwa, VP Events Razia Seman, Past President Ruth Dickinson, Director of Tutoring Nicole Van Hove, President Ugonna Chibo, VP Marketing Ugah Glory, VP Events Francine Camia, and Director of Events Sarah Demare. Photo supplied.
For a fifth consecutive year, The University of Winnipeg Golden Key Chapter (UWinnipeg-GK) academic student group has been awarded the highest recognition by the International Golden Key Honour Society — The Key Chapter Award. It is awarded annually to chapters that exceed the expectations rooted in the Golden Key pillars of academics, leadership, and service.
Each fall, UWinnipeg-GK welcomes new academic achievers who meet the academic eligibility standard of performing in the top 15 per cent of the university student body. This past year, many of these members demonstrated outstanding devotion to the chapter’s community service initiatives.
Samples of their achievements include volunteering at Canadian Blood Service and Siloam Mission events. They also provided free workshops that included business etiquettes and Robert’s Rules of Order. The UWinnipeg-GK offers all students volunteer opportunities with the Canadian Red Cross, Let’s Talk Science, Siloam Mission, Canadian Blood Services, and more. Additionally, the UWinnipeg-GK offers two tutoring services: one in conjunction with UWinnipeg’s Faculty of Business and Economics and the second service partnering with the Finance and Economics Students’ Association, which means more tutoring sessions will be offered over the next year.
Regarding academics, UWinnipeg-GK is partnered with The Princeton Review to offer free campus-wide MCAT and LSAT seminars, and mock tests to all UWinnipeg students. UWinnipeg-GK also offers three scholarships, including: in-course, chapter, and convocation. The chapter continuously fundraises for these scholarships via bake sales.
Each year, the chapter recognizes individuals from the UWinnipeg community who exemplify a passion for learning and community service. At its New Member Recognition Event last November, an honorary member was inducted into the Golden Key Society: Dr. Lena Glade.
Students interested in UWinnipeg-GK are invited to new member information sessions between September 21 – September 24 at 5:30 pm via Zoom. Stay tuned for more details.
For a full list of 2020-21 events, projects, and the workshop calendar, visit their website, Facebook page, Instagram, or reach out via uwinnipeggk@gmail.com.