Lloyd Axworthy runs with Olympic flame, Tuesday, January 5, 2010. Photo by Dave Darichuk / uwinnipeg.ca
WINNIPEG, MB – Two members of The University of Winnipeg community carried the Olympic torch in January as it crossed the country in anticipation of the Winter Games, which open February 12, 2010 in Vancouver.
Lloyd Axworthy, President and Vice-Chancellor, UWinnipeg carried the torch on Tuesday evening, January 5, 2010 along Main Street from City Hall to McDermot Avenue. Axworthy was nominated for the honour by RBC’s Torch Committee.
And UWinnipeg 3rd-year Kinesiology student, Alexandre Ross-Gautron, also selected through RBC, carried the Olympic Torch down Portage Avenue on Thursday, January 7, 2010.
Last November, Sandra Kirby, Associate Vice-President (Research) and Dean of Graduate Studies, UWinnipeg carried the torch through Pointe-au-Pére, Quebec. Kirby is a former Olympic rower.
To see a slideshow of Dr. Axworthy’s run, please go here.