Dr. Julie Pelletier, © UWinnipeg
UWinnipeg’s Dr. Julie Pelletier is this year’s Wilbert H. Ahern Distinguished Lecturer at The University of Minnesota, Morris. On Monday February 6th, Dr. Pelletier will deliver her lecture, titled “Speaking Truth as Indigenization: Academia and Reconciliation.”
“The University celebrates Dr. Pelletier’s recognition by the University of Minnesota.” said Dr. Annette Trimbee, UWinnipeg President and Vice-Chancellor. “She has played an active role of in our own Indigenization process at UWinnipeg, where her expertise in the politics of representation, identity, and economic development as self-determination have been extremely valuable.”
Dr. Pelletier is a cultural anthropologist specializing in Indigenous studies. She is an Associate Professor, the previous Chair of the Department of Indigenous Studies, and is currently the Acting Executive Director of the Global College Human Rights Program at UWinnipeg. She previously served as Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Morris, where she was a founding faculty member of the American Indian Studies program.
The Wilbert H. Ahern Distinguished Lecture Series is made possible, in part, by gifts and contributions to the Bert and Janet Ahern American Indian Studies Enhancement Fund. The late Wilbert H. Ahern was a member of the Morris faculty from 1967 until he retired in 2010 as a Morse-Alumni Distinguished Professor of History and during his tenure was a founding faculty member of the American Indian Studies program.
The lecture will take place on Monday February 6th at 7:30 pm in the Humanities Fine Arts Recital Hall at the University of Minnesota, Morris. The event is free and open to the public.