The University of Winnipeg



‘White Girls in Moccasins’ explores healing, reclamation

The University of Winnipeg Department of Theatre and Film presents White Girls in Moccasins by Yolanda Bonnell at the Asper Centre for Theatre and Film, April 1 to 5.

White Girls in Moccasins is an urgent exploration of healing and reclamation of Indigenous culture. Miskozi (she is red) is an Anishinaabe-femme reeling from the effects of colonization. She is lost in a storm of pop-culture, gameshows, old lovers, and internalized whiteness. She is tired. She is searching. She is fighting. Out of the storm emerges Waabishkizi (she is white), a representation of the whiteness within, and offers a chance to meet the parts of ourselves we need to heal. All the while Ziibi (river), the ancestor, flows around the story offering a pathway, but only when we’re ready. 

This show is survivance: survival plus resistance, as articulated by Anishinaabe scholar Gerald Vizenor. White Girls in Moccasins highlights the continued power of Indigenous Peoples to resist colonization and (re)discover their cultural practices. Through song, storytelling, and movement, White Girls in Moccasins celebrates survivance in all its forms. Although there are moments of pain in the healing, ultimately the journey is one of good medicine.

“Our stories are medicine,” said director Philip Jonah Logan Geller, who is a Red River Michif and Jewish artist and storyteller. “And what a gift it is to tell this medicine story at this time with such a compassionate group of dedicated and thoughtful artists. In this world continually disconnected from our bodies and spirits the need for truthful stories has never been more necessary. This play explores: Debwewin (Anishinaabemowin) or Tapwewin (Nêhiyâwewin), and reminds us of the medicine of living our truth in right relationship, no matter who we are or our lived experiences.”

Bonnell (She/They) is a Bi/Queer 2 Spirit Anishinaabe-Ojibwe, South Asian mixed performer, award-winning playwright, and multidisciplinary creator/facilitator. From Fort William First Nation in Thunder Bay, Ontario (Superior Robinson Treaty territory), their arts practice is now based in Tkarón:to.

“I wrote this story for all of us who feel whitewashed and are fumbling through reclamation. A reminder that you are just as Indigenous whether you are able and ready or even want to engage in culturally specific ways of living or not,” said Bonnell. “As the colonial apocalypse continues to rage on around us, inside of us, everywhere—I have to keep remembering the importance of storytelling within the revolution; uplifting our communities by letting them know that they are not alone. I hope you find that in this story.”

The University of Winnipeg’s production features Acting IV Honours students Mary Catagas, Renelle Chartier, and Jen Gieg, who are joined by Mady Richards, with costume design by student Amanda Jones, set design by student Anyinmachi Chijioke, and lighting design by staff member Delton Kreller. All technical work is done by both junior and senior production students.

White Girls in Moccasins runs Tuesday, April 1 through Friday, April 4 at 7:30 p.m. each evening, and Saturday, April 5 at 4:00 p.m. Performances will take place at the Asper Centre for Theatre and Film (400 Colony – entrance off Balmoral St). Admission is free, but reservations are recommended. Please call the 24-hour Reservation Line at 204.786.9152 or visit UWinnipeg’s Department of Theatre and Film website at

This show contains content and effects which may be challenging for some audience members. A list of the content considerations can be found on the website


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