Book explores how social media algorithms shape democracy and desire
Dr. Matthew Flisfeder's new book, Algorithmic Desire, explores how digital platforms and algorithmic logic shape our experience of democracy, enjoyment, and desire.
Stories about research and innovation taking place on and off campus.
Dr. Matthew Flisfeder's new book, Algorithmic Desire, explores how digital platforms and algorithmic logic shape our experience of democracy, enjoyment, and desire.
Professor Shannon Vickers has been recognized with a Dudley Knight Award for Outstanding Vocal Scholarship for her recently published paper Accent and Language Training for the Indigenous Performer: Results of Four Focus Groups.
A new book co-written by UWinnipeg's Dr. Kimberley Ducey is a timely forensic expose of the elite racism experienced by Meghan Markle and her husband Prince Harry in the Royal household.
The University of Winnipeg’s Faculty of Graduate Studies held its eighth annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT™) competition on Thursday, March 4, 2021 via Zoom.
Thanks to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)’s Partnership Engage Grants, University of Winnipeg professors are working with community partners to understand and address COVID-19-related issues experienced by local community groups.
The University of Winnipeg will be building a world-class facility that that will allow for the most detailed measurements of neutrino interactions.
Dr. Pauline Greenhill and Jennifer Hammond Sebring's recently published research uncovers contrasting cultural narratives of disability. Their article, The Body Binary, is the result of a work-study Sebring began after she signed up for Greenhill's class, Gender in Fairytale Film and Cinematic Folklore (WGS-3005).
Dr. Ed Cloutis was thrilled when NASA’s Perseverance Rover touched down on Mars last week, a moment captured in a series of photos and videos that his team helped make possible.
UWinnipeg’s Faculty of Graduate Studies hosts its Eighth Annual Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) on Thursday, March 4, 2021 from 10:00am-12:00pm will be held via Zoom.
Dr. Satyendra Singh's latest book provides students, marketers, and entrepreneurs with a global perspective on luxury and fashion marketing. He hopes it will inspire a shift beyond local and national markets to meet a worldwide demand for elegant products.